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Unstoppable Dirt

Why can’t I keep my floors clean?

To answer this question we have to take more of a scientific approach. We have to first look at a natural PH balance. The normal ranges of PH is between 7.35-7.45 and anything over this amount is Alkaline and anything below becomes more Acidic.

For the most part, dirty floors are an accumulation of acid based floors. So, how do we get rid of those acidic floors? Well, if a normal PH balance is 7.35-7.45 and the floors for example are 6.45 then you would have to apply something to your floors that is high on the PH scale to move the 6.45 back to a normal balance.

Is this normal? Most definitely! Even your body builds up acids and will begin to smell if you don’t shower occasionally.. Your body, your clothes, etc become acidic and need to be balanced. A soap bar is an alkaline substance so when you apply it to a wash cloth and clean your body with it, it changes the balance on your body and removes the dirt and smell. When you wash your clothes the soap is similarly alkaline and removes the stains.

What about water? Well, water is neutral in the ph balance but as water gets hot it becomes more acidic therefore removes more alkaline substances. This is why we typically use hot water to rinse ourselves, our clothes or our floors after it has been cleaned because it removes that slightly higher alkaline level and brings it to a normal PH. Visit us on our site to find out more or to schedule and appointment. For brick floor cleaning click on the following link for more information

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